Fight against Injustice



Voice has found sound

It has been some time since you have heard from me, I have been very busy behind the scenes. I thought it is about time that we focus a little time on finding sound for all the voices out there that are fighting injustice.

This site was set up to bring light to many sexual and reproductive health issues. Focusing on rights and issues of current events. For too long there has been great injustice and lack of choice in the world. Humanity has lost its way. It is the responsibility of all of us to make the change.


So many issues close to people’s hearts and minds that they want to share. Here is your opportunity. If you would like to add sound to your voice and share your thoughts then use this platform, or if you have already found the sound but would like to increase the volume, just direct me to where you have published your work and we will share it across our networks.

Please see the stories from the CARE WOW campaign which I managed and took place in the month of March 2014. One post each day focusing on issues relating in injustice to women of the world.

One voice may not have sound, with support it can become a whisper, with encouragement it can become loud, together we can be heard. We cannot be ignored forever.


We need equality in the world. This does not mean only women’s rights, it means equal rights for both sexes. Stand up to fight against injustice.

Let me have your thoughts at @DilishaBP